Sunday, 31 July 2016

Mandela is in hell - Tb Joshua Makes shocking Revelation

As South Africa and the world are celebrating Mandela
Day, whereby people are encouraged to dedicate 67
minutes of their time on this day by doing good unto
others in honor of a man who has been considered as
one of the greatest men of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Surprisingly Prophet TB Joshua had a mouthful to say
about the South African Icon Nelson Mandela.
Speaking to thousands of his followers at his church
yesterday TB Joshua said, “even Christians have lauded
this man without bothering to see the truth of what he

“The reality is that Nelson Mandela was a Marxist, a
Communist, a terrorist, a leader of an organization that
used such bizarre and horrific practices known as
necklacing in order to achieve his own ends.
Necklacing was the use of rubber tires hung around the
necks of a victim and set on fire.
He was not a man of peace, but a promoter of war and
hatred. Further, he hated God and loved the
abominations that God hates.” Said TB Joshua.This
sermon in no way can be assumed as a promotion of
apartheid because we believe that it was wrong.
However, we must remember that two wrongs never
make a right.Some would question why we are trampling
on the grave of a man that has been labelled as an
The reason is because too many Christians are buying
into the media hype without seeing the truth.
The bottom line is this though.
No matter what Mandela did and no matter what
anybody thought of him, the moment he died he found
himself facing the sovereign Creator of the Universe who
is the all-seeing and all-knowing Judge of the souls
ofmen.Mandela crossed the line into eternity without
having ever placed his faith in Christ alone, by grace
through faith alone, and been brought to repent and
confess his sins before a holy, righteous God, therefore
he is paying the ultimate penalty for his sins in hell
He did not go to hell because he was a terrorist, a
Marxist, or a Communist.
He was sent to hell because of his rejection of Jesus
Christ. And i saw him myself in hell with my spiritual
eye, said Prophet TB Joshua addressing thousands of
his disciples.
This is not something we rejoice in, but it does serve as
a warning to all those who think they can mock God and
get away with it. Judgment will come because it is
appointed unto man once to dieand after that moment
the time of judgment arrives.
I am a sinner saved by grace, and learning every day
how much more I need the Lord directingmy life. In a
graceless world, my desire is to show to others the
grace that has been extended to me.
Have been married for a number of years and we have
been blessed with lovely children. My passionis seeking
to minister the precious life-giving Word of God to those
dead in trespasses and sins! Humbled that He would
choose me as one of His children! Preferred translation:
English Standard Version (ESV) Currently studying:
Genesis; Major Prophets Currently reading: Works of
Octavius Winslow.

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